Lind Lane Theatre
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16 Mitchell Street, PO Box 262, Nambour, QLD 4560

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1300 732 764


Apply for Membership at the Lind Lane Theatre in Nambour

Become a Member

You can experience the great benefits of our membership for only $5.00 for one year, or $25 for 5 years. With our membership, you are automatically entitled to a $5 discount off our adult/youth ticket price (only for The Lind's productions). And to join The Lind Social Facebook Group to keep up to date with our seasons, and support request by you the volunteers. You can complete a paper-based form the next time you're at the theatre or apply here for online membership.

Apply Online

Life Members 2023

We acknowledge and honour these members for their tremendous contribution to the running of the theatre and offer free membership for life—also, an invitation to our preview nights with a complimentary drink.

  • Win Lindsay
  • Gwen Griffin
  • Colin Grevett
  • Errol Morrison

Gift Vouchers Available

For more information on our membership offers, please reach out to us on 1300 732 764.

Audience Review

  • Slide title

    "BRAVO to you all!"

    – Denise Corbin

  • Slide title

    "Thoroughly enjoyed the performance last night. Well done!"

    – Marg Rowell



Nambour Lind Lane Theatre


Tuesday 19 March 2024

Held at 16 Mitchell Street Nambour  7.30 pm

OPENED: 7:36pm

PRESENT: as per attendance list 

Glenda Campi , Josh Wilson, Gwen Griffin, Kathy Hickson, Kathryn Barnes, Colin Grevett, Errol Morrison, Sheila Oliver, Lea-Anne Grevett, Suzi Aleqaby, Victoria McGuin, Cec Rebetzke

PROXIES:  as per attendance list


Michelle Connelly, Britt Love, Maria Starr

Minutes of AGM 2023 – circulated to all financial members.

Motion: That the Minutes be accepted as correct.

Proposed: Kathryn Barnes

Second: Glenda Campi
Vote all in favour. Passed

PROXIES: Sharon Grimley, Gayle Hogan, Lachlan Money, Andrew Moon, Sophie Armstrong, Gary Barnes, Elizabeth Bear, Judith Boyd, Susie Bushnell, Mathieu Cadart, nan Cameron, Drew Campi, Michelle Connelly, David Readitt, Barry Dale

President’s Report

Outgoing President Report 2023

Good evening everyone and thank you for attending the Annual General Meeting of Lind Lane Theatre.

I present the President’s Report for 2023

Our bumper year started smoothly with hires in January, February saw the introduction of more Directors in the One Act Play Festival -Shades of Red, White and Black. In April we followed up with The Lady in the Van where our patrons were introduced to the hearing augmentation funded by Sunshine Coast Council. We donated $637 from our program donations to the St Vinnies Homeless Program. It was a timely reminder that Covid was still a problem when many of the cast were struck down the day after the final performance, showing the need for our strict cleaning and disinfecting to continue. 

Learning to always be flexible we managed to switch seasons due to ill-health of the next Director and presented the comedy My Husbands Nuts in May/June. With a few hires and auditions for the next plays there was a lot of movement around the theatre leading up to The Thrill of Love in July, more hires and then the Sunshine Coast Youth Festival in August with fewer entries than the previous year. Our esteemed adjudicator Tim Page braved the elements flying up from Sydney to encourage the young stars after he himself first appeared on our stage some 20 years ago, before developing a life-long career on stage and screen and tutoring young talent himself.

Twelfth Night followed, gratefully winding in their rehearsals where and when possible before their September season. Donations of $270 were collected from program sales to Helping Children Smile. 

The final season was co-jointly run by 3B Creative and us with the Old Time Music Hall in October/November, before the heavily booked hires throughout November/December right up to Christmas totalling 34 hire days for the year.

We continued to support charities in the community with our Preview Night Fundraisers, and program sales and a $1500 donation to CAYAC.- Community Assistance of Youths, Adults and Children.

We managed to close the year off with our fun Christmas Party, where the Committee and Members could let their hair down and enjoy a good laugh.

Each year The Lind committee and a few members work hard filling the roles required to run and maintain our special little theatre. And this year the progress continues. The departments we work hard from are, Building, Financial, Technical, Production, Front of House, and

Publicity where the volunteer teams work smoothly together and achieve much.

As the theatre ages, there seems to be more to maintain or replace. So, the dedicated building department with Colin Grevett at the helm was busily occupied, by erecting the replacement billboard frame and trying to keep everything up to scratch, while also doing an expert job of set building for the numerous plays. The newly erected outdoor heaters on the deck proved their worth through the colder months for both day students and our patrons.

Colin also stepped up when our Vice President Julian White became unwell and resigned, so we were grateful for his capable hands.

The crucial Secretarial role was performed  competently by  Kathryn Barnes providing administrative support to the executives and committee members with her strong organisational skills, and stepping in to help when required. 

The Financial area run by Gwen Griffin was as always tightly maintained, and we are extremely grateful for Gwen’s continuous running of a tight ship, keeping us on the straight and narrow.

Our technical department with Josh Wilson at the helm continued a brilliant job in keeping all directors and our many hiring guests completely in the light and with superb sound.

Mathieu Cadart in the Production Department supported our directors and productions casting a watchful eye over their planning and rehearsals. 

The Front of House ably run by our Patrons Lea-Anne and Colin Grevett were kept on their toes with our large audiences and on arrival were well received for their warm welcome. Yes, the ice creams are still available. Meanwhile Colin kept the liquid refreshments flowing at the bar with the help of our supportive volunteers. 

And we are always grateful to the Publicity Department with Kirsty White, Joy Hinckley, Andrew Clasohm, and me who continued the important role of promotion, to create eye-catching work-spreading the word large and loud.

Member Drew Campi once again collated the memberships. Our ratified memberships currently stand at 124 with 55.6% being 5-year Memberships we commenced last year.

Backstage Judy Friend, and Renny Snowden were at the ready in the costumes department, sourcing and sewing, and mending in a hurry and Janet Perry Watson was a whizz with making or gathering the never-ending properties.

Such administration tasks are time consuming and often far from exciting, but essential in the running of well-structured and healthy organisation.

Our Social Club with Josh Wilson at the helm again kept some fun times and laughs alive in creating some outside activities for our members to enjoy.

Once again, we have been very fortunate to receive financial support from Aussiebroadband.

It takes a continuous joint effort by all involved contributing to the growth and sustainment of The Lind and with the supportive feedback we receive from our patrons, it shows we are an integral part of the Sunshine Coast Community. Yes, it was a bumper year.

A big thank you to the outgoing committee of 2023 and thank you goes to the incoming committee members who have nominated for service in 2024.

Thank you,

Glenda Campi


I am pleased to present to you, my treasurer’s report for the year ended 31st December 2023, along with the Auditor’s report and financial statements.

 We had a
Happily, I can report that again, we have made a healthy profit.

We had a very busy year and held six productions as well as the Youth Drama Festival.

On top of this, we held the Youth Drama Festival with sponsorship from Sunshine Coast Theatre Alliance.

Our theatre is becoming very popular to other organisations wanting to hire a venue, especially towards the end of the year preceding Christmas.

As we have been doing for the last few years, we gave a donation of $1,500.00 to a selected charity, at the end of the year, this year being CAYAC. We have also taken on the practice at each production, of donating to various local charities, the money collected for programmes. In 2023, that amounted to $1,397.00.

The major asset purchased in 2023, was the hearing augmentation loop, for which we received a council grant of $7,485.00 towards. Other assets purchased were a headset, a mixing console, a mixer, a recorder transmitter, a Tech Managers chair and replaced an air conditioner and a laptop. In total, these all cost $14,707.61.

All in all we have done very well in the year gone by and hope we have helped in some small way with our donations to worthy causes.

Gwen Griffin


Nambour Lind Lane Theatre Inc.

Motion: That the Treasurer’s report be accepted

Proposed: Josh Wilson

Second: Errol Morrison
Vote all in favour. Passed


The Committee stands down


The incoming 2023/2024 committee is as follows:



NOMINEE  Glenda Campi

PROPOSED Kathryn Barnes

SECONDED Colin Grevett

DATE 20/2/2024


NOMINEE Colin Grevett

PROPOSED Glenda Campi

SECONDED Kathryn Barnes

DATE 20/2/2024


NOMINEE  Kathryn Barnes

PROPOSED Glenda Campi

SECONDED Colin Grevett

DATE 20/2/24


NOMINEE Gwen Griffin

PROPOSED Kathryn Barnes

SECONDED Colin Grevett

DATE  20/02/24


Number of committee members are to be total of positions: = 9 committee positions

Executive committee – President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary

Motion: That the Lind Lane Committee have 9 committee members

Proposed: Errol Morrison

Second: Lea-Anne Grevett

Vote all in favor. Passed


Motion: That Mr. Simon Green be appointed as the Auditor of Lind Lane 

Confirmation of the staying with the Auditor - Agreed

Proposed:  Gwen Griffin

Second: Kathy Hickson


Discussed to include Lea-anne  and Colin as a couple

Motion: That Colin and Lea-Anne Grevett be appointed as the shared position of Patron

Proposed: Glenda Campi

Second: Victoria McGuin

All in favour. Passed


Glenda Campi awarded Life Membership at The Lind Theatre.

Proposed: Colin Grevett

Second: Gwen Griffin

Vote all in favour. Passed


Gwen given a 20 year award for service as a Treasurer on The Lind Committee.

Meeting closed at:  8:01 pm

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